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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Mobile Homes and Recreational Vehicle Parks

Environmental Health

The Florida Department of Health in Duval County (DOH-Duval) Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Parks Program ensures mobile home parks and recreational vehicle parks operate in a safe and sanitary manner so the risk of illness and injury in this residential environment is minimized. A primary focus is ensuring the sources of drinking water are safe, proper sewage disposal, and that any swimming pool in a park is clean and safe. We also make sure that the property of the park is free from improperly stored garbage and harmful insects and rodents.

The requirements for operating a Mobile Home (MH) or Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park are provided in Chapter 64E - 15 F.A.C.

These facilities are permitted annually and inspected on a semi-annual basis by the Florida Department of Health. A copy of the application form for New or Renewal Permits is available on-line.

The Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Parks Program also inspects temporary RV Parks set up during special events such as Tailgating for Football games or events around the Fairgrounds. The Rule, which sets the guidelines for the temporary RV parks is based on the City of Jacksonville Ordinance and can be found here: Chapter 460, Part 3. Please note that Written Approval from the City of Jacksonville Zoning Department must be obtained prior to this permit being granted. Permit application and site plans must be submitted no less than 14 days prior to operation.

For information, call 904-253-1280 or visit the Florida Department of Health website.