It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Emergency Preparedness Disaster Volunteers
Contact Us
- 904-253-1270
904-253-2741 -
Mailing Address
921 N. Davis St.
Bldg. A, Suite 251
Jacksonville, FL 32209
Volunteer to work in disasters. Join the Emergency Preparedness Disaster Volunteers.
Emergency Preparedness Distaster Volunteers are a group of volunteers, organized locally, to improve the health and safety of their communities.
- Who are the members of the Emergency Preparedness Disaster Volunteers?
- What benefits will membership provide?
- When will the Emergency Preparedness Disaster Volunteers be activated?
- How do I join?
Members include healthcare professionals and logistical support personnel willing to volunteer their time and expertise in response to local natural or man-made disasters.
The role of the Emergency Preparedness Disaster Volunteers is to recruit, identify and train volunteers to assist the Florida Department of Health in Duval County's (DOH-Duval) response to health and medical needs following a disaster.
Many training opportunities provide CME and CEU credits, free of charge. When activated through the Emergency Preparedness Disaster Volunteers, members are provided soverign immunity.
Members of the Emergency Preparedness Disaster Volunteers will be activated by DOH-Duval when an emergency or disaster occurs and additional resources are needed. Responsibilities might vary from working in a point of dispensing/prophylaxis center to providing health services in an alternative site of care.
To volunteer or partner with the Emergency Preparedness Disaster Volunteers, call DOH-Duval's Emergency Preparedness Office at 904-253-1270 or email the program coordinator. Include your name and contact information.
Training Information
- National Incident Management Training - FEMA IS-700
- Incident Command System - FEMA IS-100 and FEMA IS-200
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