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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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HIV/AIDS Program / HIV Care Now

Contact Us

  •  904-253-1040

    Mailing Address

    921 N. Davis St. 

    Bldg. A, Suite 251 

    Jacksonville, FL 32209 

The Area 4 AIDS Program (APO) works with combinations of scientifically proven, cost-effective, and scalable interventions targeted to populations at risk of HIV - an essential step in achieving the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. Our focus is serving HIV-infected people and people at risk for HIV infection, linking them to care and treatment, and providing interventions to improve medication adherence and risk reduction.

Our prevention programs at the APO target three main areas:

  • Early Intervention Services: The APO monitors all HIV counseling, testing, and linkage services throughout Area 4. In addition, the APO coordinates test site registration, renewals, and monitoring activities, and provides technical assistance and supplies. We also provide training for the HIV 500/501 (Client-Centered Counseling and Testing), HIV 501 update (required annually), and rapid-test certification (at limited times). In collaboration with Area 4 county health departments, the APO provides HIV testing for HIV awareness days, such as National HIV testing day, World AIDS day, and Gay Pride events.
  • Clinic-Based Health Education/Risk Reduction Programs: The APO offers a number of clinic-based programs, such as Medical/Treatment Adherence Services, Service Linkage, and Referrals. Secondary prevention evidence-based interventions are also available, such as the Interdiction Project, Comprehensive Risk and Referral Services (CRRS), and Healthy Relationships.
  • Community-Based Health Education/Risk Reduction Programs: The APO offers a number of community-based programs, such as Medical/Treatment Adherence Services, Service Linkage, and Referrals. The Interdiction Project and secondary prevention evidence-based interventions, such as Comprehensive Risk and Referral Services (CRRS), Healthy Relationships, and Many Men, Many Voice, are also available. 

HIV/AIDS Surveillance

HIV/AIDS surveillance is the systematic collection, compilation, and analysis of HIV/AIDS morbidity and mortality data. Surveillance also involves the dissemination of HIV/AIDS data to concerned agencies and to the public.

The public health system depends upon reports of disease to monitor the health of the community and to provide the basis for prevention action. The Area 4 HIV/AIDS Surveillance Office is responsible for reporting all positive HIV/AIDS cases to the Bureau of HIV/AIDS. The Area 4 HIV/AIDS Surveillance Office serves Duval, Baker, Clay, St. Johns, and Nassau Counties.

HIV/AIDS surveillance duties include participation in the following activities:

  • CDC-approved case reporting of HIV/AIDS cases
  • Investigation of No Identified Risk cases for classification
  • Medical Monitoring Project
  • Management of the HIV/AIDS Reporting Database (local)
  • Data reporting and management

Practitioner Reporting Requirements

Reporting Requirements:

  • Each licensed practitioner and medical examiner who diagnoses, treats, or suspects a case or an occurrence of a disease or condition listed in the Table of Notifiable Diseases or Conditions, Chapter 64D-3.029, F.A.C., is required to report the notifiable disease or condition.
  • Reporting test results by a laboratory to a county health department does not nullify the practitioner's obligation to also report the disease or condition.
  • Practitioners should report all HIV or AIDS cases within two weeks using the Adult HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Form.
  • Practitioners must report all HIV exposed newborns or infants less than 18 months of age born to an HIV infected woman by the next business day. HIV exposed newborn/infant cases should be reported using the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Form.

How To Report:

  • All forms are available at the Florida Department of Health in Duval County (DOH-Duval).
  • For instructions on completing and sending the HIV/AIDS Confidential Case Report Forms, please call 904-253-2954.
  • Confidential Case Report Forms and all other confidential HIV/AIDS forms cannot be faxed or emailed to DOH-Duval. Do not send forms or other information before receiving directions on the correct process for reproting.
(Patients ≥ 13 years of age at time of diagnosis)
(Patients < 13 years of age at time of diagnosis)
Please send completed reports in a double envelope marked “Confidential”.
Mail completed form to:
Florida Department of Health in Duval County
Attention: HIV/AIDS Surveillance Office
921 North Davis St.
Bldg. A, Suite 251
Mail Code: 39
Jacksonville, FL 32209

All health care providers diagnosing and/or providing care to a patient with HIV are obligated to report using Florida HIV/AIDS Case Report. Case reports should be completed within fourteen (14) days after diagnosing or providing care to a patient with HIV/AIDS.

Visit HIV Care Now for additional resources.

HIV/AIDS Patient Care

  • On-site lab and x-ray exams
  • Mental health and substance abuse counseling for patients
  • Referrals for case management
  • Dental care
  • Pharmacy services
  • Fiscal management of the Ryan White/GR Patient Care Network for Area 4
  • Program planning for patient care services
  • Contract management for CHD patient care services
  • Management of direct co-pays for client medical services
  • Data management for patient care services in Area 4

HIV/AIDS Specialty Care

The Florida Department of Health in Duval County (DOH-Duval) Comprehensive Care Center (CCC) is the largest provider of HIV specialty medical care in Jacksonville, Florida – serving 1,603 active patients diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. DOH-Duval has been the major provider of comprehensive HIV care for persons living with HIV/AIDS in Duval County since 1985. The comprehensive services offered at DOH-Duval include outpatient medical care, pharmacy services, PrEP, dermatology, laboratory, digital x-rays, testing/referral/linkage, Medicaid case management (Project AIDS Care), medical case management, dental services, health education/risk reduction programs, mental health counseling, and medication adherence counseling. DOH-Duval has demonstrated the capacity to provide state of the art HIV/AIDS services to those most in need in highly impacted areas of Northeast Florida.