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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Swimming Pools, Spas, and Bathing Places

Environmental Health

Our Swimming Pools and Bathing Places Program ensures swimming pools and bathing places, regulated by the Florida Department of Health are operated in a safe and sanitary manner so the risk of disease and injury is minimized. Swimming pools, water parks, and spas, which are open to the public, are permitted and inspected. Chapter 64E - 9 F.A.C. is the rule which contains the requirements for the permitting and operation of public swimming pools, spas, and bathing places.

Pool Closures

Sometimes swimming pools are closed due to fecal accidents. Such incidents are a concern and an inconvenience to both pool operators and patrons. Pool operators should carefully explain to patrons why the pool needs to be closed in response to a fecal accident. Understanding that pool closure is necessary for proper disinfection and protection of the health and safety of swimmers is likely to promote support rather than frustration. Pool closures allow chlorine to kill germs and help prevent Recreational Water Illnesses (RWIs).

For recommendations what to do in cases of fecal incidents, see: Fecal Accident Response Recommendations for Pool Staff

Virginia Graeme Baker Federal Pool and Spa Safety Act

A law to prevent entrapment drowning and injury at all public pools took effect on December 19, 2008 and requires retrofit actions. The Florida Department of Health in Duval County's (DOH-Duval) fact sheet provides information about this national mandate. You can also visit the Florida Department of Health website for more information. 

Public Swimming Pool Construction

All new construction and pool modifications start by making application with DOH-Duval by filling out DH4159 Application For Swimming Pool Operating Permit. When DOH-Duval receives the filled out application, the owner /applicant receives a letter generated by this agency that allows the local building authority to proceed with its permitting process.

The local building authority, such as the City of Jacksonville Building Department, is the agency that reviews and permits all public swimming pool, spa, and bathing places in Duval County. You can contact the building department by calling:

City of Jacksonville: 904-630-1100

City of Atlantic Beach: 904-247-5813

City of Neptune Beach: 904-270-2400

City of Jacksonville Beach: 904-247-6235

City of Baldwin: 904-266-5030

After initial approval, permits are renewed annually.

In certain circumstances, condominium pools may be exempt from some of the public pool rules. If your condominium complex has 32 or fewer units, click here for more information and the exemption application.

If the complex has more than 32 units, you will need to request an exemption. Exemption is not automatic; you must submit the application form along with supporting documentation as noted on the application form.

For more information, call 904-253-1280 or visit the Florida Department of Health website.