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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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New Town Success Zone Community Impact Day - Eliminating Poverty and Alleviating Hunger

 September 25, 2021 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Event Location

1401 Grunthal St
Jacksonville, FL 32209

Event Contact


Price: No Cost

September is Healthy Aging Month, a nationwide observance dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyle management so aging adults can thrive! 

The Mayor's Community Based Crime Reduction Program in Partnership with The New Town Success Zone will host a Community Impact Day that will address Eliminating Period Poverty and Alleviating Hunger.

Safe Future Foundation will share tips on Menstrual Hygiene and Adult Incontinence as well as giveaway sanitary supplies.

Dedicated Senior Medical Center will provide compassionate care concierge resources for Medicare Eligible Senior Citizens.

United Healthcare and Florida Blue will be there to educate the community about quality health care options for the entire family.

There will also be a drive through contactless Grocery Distribution while supplies last, so be sure to come out early!

Children must be accompanied by an adult parent or guardian. Face coverings/masks are required. 

City of Jacksonville Event Page

  • Schedule

Event Starts: 10:00 AM

Event Ends: 1:00 PM

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