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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Drinking Water Programs

Environmental Health

Florida's groundwater supply and surface waters are vulnerable to a wide array of contaminants, both natural and man-made. The Florida Department of Health in Duval County (DOH-Duval) Environmental Health program is committed to safeguarding Duval County's water supplies.

Water TestingThrough routine inspections, the environmental health staff ensures that limited use public water systems are physically acceptable for human use and drinking water supplied by these systems is bacteriologically and chemically safe.

DOH-Duval initiates and conducts potable well water quality investigations and sampling near known and potential ground water contamination sources.

In addition, DOH-Duval responds to residents' concerns about safety of drinking water obtained from their own potable water wells by providing site investigations and well water sampling.

When the potable well water is determined to be unsafe for human consumption, DOH-Duval initiates the provision of an alternative safe drinking water source.

  • Limited Use Public Water Systems
  • Submitting Applications and Payments
  • Private Potable Water Wells
  • Well Surveillance

The DOH-Duval Environmental Health has the responsibility for the supervision of all private, Multifamily, and Limited Use Public Water Systems from which water is available to the public. Environmental Health inspectors conduct sanitary surveys, perform plan reviews, evaluate water treatment and distribution systems, collect water samples, and investigate waterborne disease outbreaks, including conditions associated with bacterial/viral and chemical contamination.

The requirements for the Limited Use Water Systems are shown in Chapter 64E - 8 F.A.C..

All Limited Use Public Water Systems (LUPWS) are required to apply for a Construction approval to ensure that all safeguards set forth in the rule are met and the water quality is satisfactory for human consumption. 

Once construction is completed, the operating permit is issued and renewed annually. 

LUPWS are required to collect water samples and have them analyzed for bacteria either on a quarterly or annual basis depending on the type of the system. In addition, periodic testing of the well water for lead and total nitrates is required. All water testing must be completed by a state-certified laboratory.

DOH-Duval Limited Use Public Water Systems Program offers the service of collecting the required water samples and submitting them to the certified laboratory for needed analyses. By using this service you can rest assured that:

  • Samples are collected by trained EH field staff and guaranteed to be on time
  • Water is tested for contaminants required for LUPWS and testing is done by a certified laboratory

Prices start as low as $100. For more information, please contact us at 904-253-1282.

Some LUPWS may be eligible for classification as Registered Water Systems that require limited water quality monitoring. The request for such classification can be made while applying for the Construction or Annual Operating Permit.

For information, call 904-253-1282 or visit the Florida Department of Health Limited Use Water website.

Application forms cannot be accepted on-line at this time. Please print the application, complete the required information and either bring or mail the form to our office with applicable fee and documentation.

Checks and money orders should be made out to Florida Department of Health in Duval County and mailed to: 

Florida Department of Health in Duval County
Environmental Health and Safety
921 N. Davis St.
Building A, Suite 251, MC-45
Jacksonville, Florida 32209

The application form may also be faxed to 904-253-2390; then use a credit card to pay by phone at 904-253-2578. Please have your permit number ready for the cashier to ensure proper credit for your payment. 

Discovery of potable water wells contaminated with ethylene dibromide (EDB) in the early 1980s led to widespread public concern about the water quality in Florida's private potable water wells.

In 1984, the DOH-Duval Environmental Health established its first water program that till today conducts potable well water quality investigations and sampling near known and potential ground water contamination sources in Duval County. When the well water is determined to be unsafe for human consumption, this program, with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, initiates the provision of an alternative safe drinking water source to impacted residents.

If you are concerned about safety of your private potable well water please contact us at 904-253-1282.

Private Water Well Resources


The Well Surveillance in DOH-Duval manages several programs focused on identifying and monitoring areas in Duval County where potentially contaminated sites may pose a threat to public health and contaminate drinking water.

The Well Surveillance Program has the State Underground Petroleum Environmental Response Act (SUPER Act), Drinking Water Toxics (Toxics), and Drycleaner Solvent Cleanup (DSCP) programs.

This program locates potable water wells and conducts well water sampling for contaminants of concern near gasoline storage facilities, dry-cleaning sites or near other sites that are of concern to governmental and private entities or general public. When the well water is determined to be unsafe for human consumption, the DOH-Duval works together with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to provide an alternative safe drinking water to impacted neighborhoods and residents.

Visit the Florida Department of Health's website for more information on the Well Surveillance Program.